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Dancing With Miriam

14"x11" oil on linen panel, 2021.


I have a subconscious tendency to paint a dark piece after completing a couple of painting with bright colors and vice versa. I normally do not realize this has occurred until later when reviewing my work.

With this piece, I wanted to have the viewer's attention focus on the hand first before taking in the rest of the painting so I enlarged the veins a bit and made them the lightest part of the piece. I also wanted to leave the action in the painting open for the viewer to decide what is occurring and I feel that the title lends itself to this notion. It can be hard to see in photos, but the dark background is made of impasto sections that catch the light as a viewer moves around the room.

Overall, I am very happy with the finished product. It has been in a few art shows and has done quite well.

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